Recommended Texts for advanced undergraduate astrophysics:

Galaxies and the Cosmic Frontier, W.H. Waller and P.W. Hodge, 2003, Harvard Univ Press.
qualitative but thorough introduction to galaxies; the updated continuation of Harvard's series

Galaxies in the Universe, L.S. Sparke and J.S. Gallagher, 2000, Cambridge Univ Press
undergraduate text with exercises, derivations, and references

Galaxies and Galactic Structure, D.M. Elmegreen, 1998, Prentice Hall.
undergraduate text with exercises and plenty of references to useful texts, papers, and websites


Introduction to Cosmology, B. Ryden, 2003, Addison Wesley.
undergraduate text with exercises, derivations, and references

Modern Cosmology, S. Dodelson, 2003, Academic Press (Elsevier Science).
undergraduate text with exercises (some solved), derivations, and references

Modern Cosmological Observations and Problems, G. Bothun, 1998, Taylor and Francis.
undergraduate text with derivations and references

Foundations of Modern Cosmology, J.F. Hawley and K.A. Holcomb, 1998, Oxford Univ Press.
mostly descriptive undergraduate text


Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics 4e, M. Zeilik and S.A. Gregory, 1998, Brooks-Cole.
accessible general astrophysics text for the sophomore/junior level; nice blend of images, explanatory text, examples and problems.

Astrophysical Concepts 3e, M. Harwitt, 1998, Springer-Verlag.
nominally updated general astrophysics text; most often used by entering graduate students as a reference for the standard of background knowledge

An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, B.W. Carroll and D.A. Ostlie, 1996, Addison-Wesley.
comprehensive (encyclopedic) general astrophysics text for the junior/senior level

The Physical Universe, An Introduction to Astronomy, F. Shu, 1982, University Science Books.
the now dated, but still definitive general astrophysics text; most often used by entering graduate students as a reference for the standard of background knowledge

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